Wedding videography work in Taiwan PengHu

Xiong and Mei are a pair of lovely couple that I have shot so far, it was a rather a tough job as I had to carry both Videocam & my DSLR camera to shoot for video and photos for them on their wedding day.

Taiwan had always been on the same track with Japan on anything from fashion to food et.. And for wedding photography in Taiwan, brides love to have the 1/2 to a stop over photos to give that flawless super fair look on them. Of course all these could be done in post, and Mei and Xiong are really cool and supportive to my work to accept some of their photos with more contrast and details delivery.

Overall, I really enjoyed myself there in PengHu with all the nice beautiful scenery that makes stay there memorable, and really thanks Mei and Xiong for the hospitality rendered to me during my stay there. Cheers..

Matrimony of Xiong & Mei from Stephen Chin on Vimeo.